Nissin Group Human Rights Policy
NISSIN MANUFACTURING GROUP CO., LTD. and our domestic and overseas group companies (hereinafter referred to as Our Group) recognizes that our various business activities, from raw material procurement, production, and distribution to consumption, disposal, and recycling, can directly and indirectly impact human rights.
We established a human rights policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) to demonstrate our commitment to respecting the human rights of everyone involved in Our Group and our efforts to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.
Basic Policy
Based on the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Our Group supports and respects international norms on human rights, including the UN’s International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Scope of Application
This Policy applies to all directors and employees of Our Group.
In addition, we encourage all suppliers of Our Group to support this Policy and make efforts to respect human rights.
Human Rights Due Diligence
Our Group shall work to establish and implement a human rights due diligence system to identify negative impacts on human rights.
If it is found that our activities have created or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we will work to prevent or mitigate the impacts and evaluate the effectiveness of our preventive and mitigation efforts.
Dialogue and Discussion
Our Group shall work to improve its efforts to respect human rights through dialogue and discussion with relevant stakeholders.
Our Group shall provide appropriate education to its directors and employees.
Information Disclosure
Our Group shall disclose appropriate information regarding its efforts to respect human rights.
Responsible Personnel
Our Group shall determine the officers responsible for implementing this Policy and overseeing its execution.
Positioning of This Policy
This Policy shall promote the efforts to respect human rights and complement our established action guidelines.
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
Our Group shall comply with laws and regulations of each country and region that apply to our business activities.
Where there is conflict between internationally recognized human rights and national laws and regulations, we shall seek ways to respect international human rights principles.
Established December 1, 2022, Representative Director HIRANO Takashi, NISSIN MANUFACTURING GROUP CO., LTD.
Human Rights Issues Addressed by Our Group
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
We do not tolerate forced labor.
We also reject any form of modern slavery, including debt labor and human trafficking.
Prohibition of Child Labor
We do not tolerate child labor, and we observe the minimum working age required by law.
We also do not allow juveniles to engage in hazardous work.
Prohibition of Discrimination
We do not tolerate any discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, age, religion, creed, social status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
Prohibition of Harassment
We do not tolerate any behavior that makes others feel uncomfortable or that their dignity has been violated, regardless of whether or not the offender is aware of it.
Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion
We aim to create a workplace where individuals with diverse attributes, values, and experiences coexist, acknowledge and support each other, and where employees can work with peace of mind while maximizing their potential and realizing growth and self-fulfillment.
Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
We hold constructive dialogue between labor and management, and respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
Working Hours and Wages
We appropriately manage the working hours, holidays, vacations, and wages of our employees in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we do business.
Occupational Safety and Health
We protect the safety and health of our employees in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we do business, and aim to create a workplace that is comfortable both mentally and physically.